Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Define Semiotics: 

Semiotics is the science/study of signs.

Define the three categories of Semiotics: 

Iconic: Signs that look like what it represents. Ex: a bonfire representing fire.

Indexical: Signs are causal. Ex: ashes representing fire, bruises representing abuse.

Symbolic: Signs that are learned. Ex: up and down arrows in elevator representing up and down.

Semiotics of my crayon rubbing:

Terms of symbol: This symbol is the child sign from the unisex restroom.

Type of symbol: Iconic but it was used as more of a symbolic sign.

Meaning of symbol: The sign was used to represent what is between men and women. Since the topic from the piece was gender, the child between the obvious sign for man and woman was representing the genders in between the spectrum.

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