Tuesday, September 29, 2015

JPG Compression and File Size

JPG Compression and File Size:

Quality: 100
Size: 70,737 bytes

This image, with the highest quality was saved as the biggest because it was trying to keep the most colors saved. There are no extra artifacts and it looks clearer. It's easy to see the different colors and their edges.
Quality: 60
Size: 21, 649 bytes

This image is smaller because it didn't have to save as many colors and it does have a few artifacts floating around because the quality it's of a lower quality than the first saved image. The colors aren't as sharp but you can still see their obvious edges.
Quality: 0
Size: 5,592

This image is the smallest because the quality is zero. There are a lot of artifacts and although the colors are clear, their edges are not.

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