Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Semiotics Logo



Color Mode: RGB
Resolution: 72
Scale: 430px X 400px








Logo Discussion:

Android is a mobile device company, they sell tables, computers and smartphones. The logo is made of simple shapes and is in their signature "android green". The green is supposed to represent novelty, originality and growth, which are the company's goals. The Android logo uses Norad font. It was specially designed for this logo.

Identify Specific Symbols: 

The specific symbol on this logo is the "android" robot.

Origin of the symbol: 

This robot emblem was designed by Irina Block California-based graphic designer.

Identify Semiotic Category: 

I think this kind of sign is symbolic. Symbolic signs are learned and since a lot of us haven't exactly seen real androids we relate this sort of sign with robots and androids. 

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