Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Liquify Filter

Liquify Filter Tool 

Forward wrap tool: is a smudging tool, you can change the size and smudge the image. 
Reconstruct tool: Restores what you have done to the image with other tools. 
 Pucker tool: Image is dragged to where this tool clicks. 
Bloat tool: Does the opposite of the pucker tool, Image expands from where it was clicked. 

GIF Colors and Quality

Colors: 200
Size: 30,297 bytes
Colors: 6
Size: 11,368 bytes

Both of these images are smaller than the JPGs because they are indexed colors instead of being RGBs. Their edges aren't as clear and the image with 6 colors has more artifacts than the images with 200 colors and it's also smaller. This is because of the number of colors each image was given.

JPG Compression and File Size

JPG Compression and File Size:

Quality: 100
Size: 70,737 bytes

This image, with the highest quality was saved as the biggest because it was trying to keep the most colors saved. There are no extra artifacts and it looks clearer. It's easy to see the different colors and their edges.
Quality: 60
Size: 21, 649 bytes

This image is smaller because it didn't have to save as many colors and it does have a few artifacts floating around because the quality it's of a lower quality than the first saved image. The colors aren't as sharp but you can still see their obvious edges.
Quality: 0
Size: 5,592

This image is the smallest because the quality is zero. There are a lot of artifacts and although the colors are clear, their edges are not.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Semiotics Logo



Color Mode: RGB
Resolution: 72
Scale: 430px X 400px








Logo Discussion:

Android is a mobile device company, they sell tables, computers and smartphones. The logo is made of simple shapes and is in their signature "android green". The green is supposed to represent novelty, originality and growth, which are the company's goals. The Android logo uses Norad font. It was specially designed for this logo.

Identify Specific Symbols: 

The specific symbol on this logo is the "android" robot.

Origin of the symbol: 

This robot emblem was designed by Irina Block California-based graphic designer.

Identify Semiotic Category: 

I think this kind of sign is symbolic. Symbolic signs are learned and since a lot of us haven't exactly seen real androids we relate this sort of sign with robots and androids. 

Selection Tools


 Marquee tool: 

Makes rectangle selections 

Elliptical Marquee tool:  
Makes elliptical selections 

Magic Wand tool:

Makes selection based on similarity of colors

  Lasso tool: 

Free hand selecting. 


Polygonal Lasso:

Free hand polygonal selecting. 

Magnetic Wand tool: 

Selects/deselects based on the contrast of colors

Layers and Composition


When working on this piece, I kept forgetting to change the background layer into a regular layer. So the first times I tried to delete what I highlighted I kept not understanding why I saw white instead of the checkerboard. Once I remembered and got the hang of things the rest was easy. All the items were easy to select, with the exclusion of the sheep. For the other items, all I used was the magic wand, with tolerance of 24 (9 for the phone), but for the sheep I had to play with more tools. I used the magic wand to get most of the background highlighted, I had to be careful because after using the magic wand for a while is started to grab more than i wanted it. That's when I changed to the polygonal lasso. And even after that, I had to deselect a lot along the smaller bits of the sheep to make sure it didn't look too cut up.
Once I had the individual layers, I moved and sized them in the new image. I moved the lager items to the background, kept the medium images in the center and moved the sheep, which was the smaller image to the top. I was going to try and merge my center layers to try and play with composition more, but I couldn't find a way, so instead I move them individually. I suppose I gained a bit more experience that way, but I will still hunt down the way to merge them next time, to make my life easier.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Define Semiotics: 

Semiotics is the science/study of signs.

Define the three categories of Semiotics: 

Iconic: Signs that look like what it represents. Ex: a bonfire representing fire.

Indexical: Signs are causal. Ex: ashes representing fire, bruises representing abuse.

Symbolic: Signs that are learned. Ex: up and down arrows in elevator representing up and down.

Semiotics of my crayon rubbing:

Terms of symbol: This symbol is the child sign from the unisex restroom.

Type of symbol: Iconic but it was used as more of a symbolic sign.

Meaning of symbol: The sign was used to represent what is between men and women. Since the topic from the piece was gender, the child between the obvious sign for man and woman was representing the genders in between the spectrum.

Crayon Rubbings

Goals of this assignment: 

The goals for this assignment were to practice playing with composition and textures. We had to find different ways to fill two pages of paper with icons, text, colors and textures.

New skills that I have learned: 

I learned that even though almost everything around us has a texture, few will appear on paper when doing the rubbings. Some textures created little to nothing on the page and some were too exaggerated and made my piece look crowded. I learned that smaller surfaces with smaller patterns worked much better. I also learned to be careful with the icons I used since some were too big or too small for the size of the image I was trying to create.


 Crayon rubbing one: 

The piece is has two cool colors (blue and purple) and two warm colors (red and pink. It has the top half of the woman icon in red and the bottom half in blue, while the man icon is inverted. The background is made up of small circles and is a solid color of pink and in the foreground the text reads "Unisex. Restroom, Restroom".  I was trying to bring forth the topic of transgendered individuals and the controversy our society has created towards what bathroom they chose to use. Although the Unisex restroom is for both men and women, they are not always an option. Something as simple as using the restroom can cost someone more than it's worth and that's unfair.


Crayon rubbing two: 

This piece also has both cool and warm colors. The background and the text in the foreground are in warm colors while the icons in the center are cool. The word "unisex" is repeated four times, three in red and one in purple. The icons are those of man, woman and child. The woman icon is in blue, the child in purple and the man in pink. I wanted to play with the idea of gender in this piece. I colored the woman icon in blue, which is usually a masculine color, the man in pink, which is usually a feminine color and made the child icon purple, which is a mixture of both  previous colors. I wanted the viewer to decide if the woman icon was feminine because of the symbol or masculine because of the color and if the man icon was masculine because of the symbol or feminine because of it's color. I also wanted them to try and guess the child's gender. It'd be difficult because of the color purple and the symbol. Which I guess it's the kind of idea I wanted to bring forth. Gender is not the same as sex, it has a lot to do with identity and expression of the individual. Others shouldn't be guessing it, it would be like trying to guess a name.