Introduce yourself:
Ello there I'm Apple~
I'm a girl burning away in this hell known as the great Arizona desert. I
love to draw and sketch in my spare time. I also really enjoy face painting, body makeup and special effects.
What is your mayor?
I am a Family Studies major.
Write about your goals for taking this class:
I have been drawing on the computer for a few years now and I'd like to learn more about the programs I used. I know I can learn some things by playing and exploring the program by myself, but I'd like to really get to learn more about how I can be saving my work. I have sold some posters that I have printed out and although some have come out great, I feel that knowing more about how to save them properly, the results might be even more amazing :)
What university do you plan on continuing your education?
At the moment I only plan on getting my Associate's degree here at AWC and start working on an internship at a mental health clinic and see how that atmosphere works for me. If I feel like I would like to become a counselor I might go back to school to get a Bachelor's in Psychology. If that's where I start to head, I would like to enter any college that will provide the best Psychology program here in Arizona.
What kind of experience do you have in graphics/design?
I can't exactly give you a list of the things I know or the skills that I have. I feel that I know little compared to what I'd like to learn and know. I know little about Photoshop and my skills are mostly artistic. So I can draw, but I can't play with the image too much once I'm done with the piece.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I hope to be working in the field I studied in. I'd like to be helping people and I'd love to have a home of my own. I see myself with the partner I have now, in a house that we have made a home. I hope that our family is happy, comfortable and healthy. I see myself in a good place and i hope that i am well.
Favorite or fantasy vacation spot?
I'd like to someday visit a beach area where the sun doesn't feel to heavy and it's not too hot. I'd love the weather to be just right, not too humid, not too cold and be able to enjoy the holiday with some good friends or my close family.